Haflinger horses South Tyrol


Sluderno/Schluderns, 1874. At the stud farm of horse breeder Josef Folie, a golden colt is born. It is named after its owner: 249 Folie.

The sire is the Arabian stallion 133 El Bedavi XXII
The dam is a local mare of Galician origins.

Folie is the founder of the Haflinger breed: He was the first to have the Haflingers' distinctive golden chestnut coat with the typical dorsal stripe, which he inherited from his mother – together with her strength and the characteristics of a small, compact mountain horse. His nobility and elegance were derived from his father.

Folie was described as "deeply muscled with Arabian noblesse and long, sloped shoulders, a strong back, straight croup, strong joints, a long and correct stride and magnificent temperament".

Why "Haflinger"?

To answer that, let us take a brief look back at life in the 19th century. At the time, horses were the basis of all livelihoods: They pulled carriages and carried goods, and people relied on them for riding and all kinds of work. In South Tyrol, there was a strong demand for small, agile and above all sure-footed horses – especially among farmers and horse traders from the village of Hafling and the Tschögglberg area. That way, the name "Haflinger" – in other words a horse from Hafling – gradually established itself.

At first, the term did not describe a breed in itself, but rather a type of hard-working, light-footed, robust, compact and versatile horse. The name only became official at a later stage: On 2 May 1898, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Austro-Hungarian Empire decreed to officially recognise the Haflinger breed. At that time, South Tyrol was part of Austria-Hungary.

Historical breeding register +

Geschichte der Haflinger
Haflinger Geschichte


The aims of modern-day ideal Haflinger breeding:


Eigenschaften Haflinger

Colour and markings
All shades of chestnut from light to dark chestnut. The forelock, mane and tail should consist of full, long, silky and straight hair, preferably in a light colour. The basic coat colour should be clear and uniform. While head markings are acceptable, leg markings are not.
Refined, with a distinctive expression and large, dark eyes with well-traced orbital arches. Flat, broad forehead. Refined, short nose ridge. Large and flexible nostrils. Sufficiently long mouth aperture. Small, pointed chin and a distinctive, wide and refined throat latch. Highly flexible and well-set ears that are proportional to the size of the head.
Well-set, of medium length and more refined towards the head. Sufficiently long, wide and flexible poll with a refined head-to-neck connection.
Refined, long, sloping and well-set shoulders. Sufficiently long, well-positioned forearms (humerus) with well-defined muscles. Clear, unobstructed elbows. Pronounced withers reaching well into the back. Sufficiently wide and deep chest.
Midsection (barrel)
Adequately long, firm and well-muscled back. Short, wide loin that is connected to the croup harmoniously. Slightly sloping ribs that form a longitudinally oval ribcage. Sternum or breastbone that reaches far back. Short, closed flanks.
Rounded, slightly sloping croup with a well-set tail. Well-muscled all the way down to the lower thigh or gaskin.
Length of limbs consistent with torso size. Refined, muscular forearms. Well-muscled hind leg. Refined, correct joints of a good size. Strong shins with clearly defined tendons. Suitably long, correct fetlocks. Regular and correctly positioned limbs.
Well-shaped with a healthy, tough and preferably pigmented hoof wall.
Height and conformation (ideal height at three years old)
•    Stallions:   148-152 cm (no more than 155 cm) | 18.5-20.5 cm
•    Mares:       47-150 cm (no more than 155 cm) | 18-19 cm
Basic gaits

Even, medium-elevated walk with ground coverage that adapts to the terrain. Supple, energetic and elastic movements at a trot with plenty of thrust coming from the hindquarters. Canter with a clear uphill tendency. Short, flat and non-elastic movements falling on the forehand are to be avoided.



Haflingers are medium-sized, expressive and noble horses with a chestnut coat and a fair forelock, mane and tail. They are characterised by a strong, correct physique and a high suitability for riding.


Sweet-natured, easy to handle and friendly: The breed's affectionate and kind nature, well-tempered character, intelligence and great willingness to learn and perform are some of its most distinctive features. 

Sturdy and healthy

The South Tyrolean breeding approach favours and promotes the sturdiness, frugal nature and good health of the Haflinger.

Typically South Tyrolean Haflingers

Thanks to their harmonious conformation and looks, Haflingers from South Tyrol are particularly charismatic: Smart, lively and sweet-tempered, they are also reliable, strong and energetic – and well-known for their singular charms.



The all-rounder – a dream horse or just wishful thinking? Well, the multi-talented Haflinger is as close as it gets to an all-round prodigy: With the right upbringing and training, it has all the ideal ingredients: excellent genes, an athletic predisposition and physique and – of course – the perfect character.

The Haflinger breed has a dream companion for every horse fan!

  • Equestrian sports

    Haflingers are popular across all of equestrian sports – from classic riding to the Western disciplines and all the way to the top classes of major tournaments.

  • Driving

    Haflingers are ideal for driving: agile and fearless, with a great fighting spirit and plenty of stamina.

  • Long-distance endurance and trail rides

    Sure-footed and equipped with nerves of steel, Haflingers are true off-road experts. Perfect for long-distance endurance and trail rides!

  • Equestrian games

    Agility, speed and flawless coordination between the horse and rider: Equestrian games is where Haflingers really excel.

  • Haflinger gallop and trot races

    Pure emotion: Haflinger gallop and trot races are a long-standing tradition in South Tyrol.

  • Skijoring

    Sure-footed even in the snow: Skijoring races featuring Haflingers are increasingly popular in the Alps.

  • Hippotherapy

    Speed is not the only speciality of the Haflinger breed: They are also calm, friendly and extremely reliable – the ideal partner for hippotherapy and therapeutic riding.

  • Companion for vaulting

    Their gentle nature and stamina also make them an excellent companion for vaulting.

Top breeding and sport events
under the auspices of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation

Haflinger World Show

Haflinger World Show

With more than 700 horses from up to 20 countries taking part, the Haflinger World Show is the world's biggest horse fair dedicated to a single breed. It is held every five years, with the upcoming edition postponed to June 2025 in order to comply with the applicable Corona preventive law.

European Haflinger Championships

European Haflinger Championships

The EUCH takes place every three years. The last edition, held in 2021 in the Austrian town of Stadl-Paura, saw 278 Haflingers and 330 starters from 12 countries take part and compete for the 23 Championship titles. And the next one is just around the corner: From 20 to 24 August 2024 at the Stadl-Paura Equestrian Sports Centre, it's curtains up for our sporty Haflingers and athletes from all over Europe!


The Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders has made it a priority to preserve and improve the typical inner values and physical characteristics of the autochthonous Haflinger breed in its original diversity.

The aim is to breed a versatile, friendly, expressive and pleasant horse that is suitable for all disciplines of riding and driving. Particular importance is placed on a sturdy constitution, frugal nature and good health – together with a sweet-tempered, friendly character, pleasant temperament, strong nerves and intelligence.

Basic principles for the Haflinger breed, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016

News and events


2025 Calendar
All Haflinger and Noriker Events

Großer Erfolg für Südtiroler Fahrer

Haflinger Sport

VVS 2025

General Assembly
Review of an eventful year - growing membership numbers, solid foundation

Haflinger News

Out now: Haflinger News!
Topics and reading samples

Hengstschau 2025

2025 Stallion Show
at the Haflinger Unterwirt in San Genesio/Jenesien

Schlittenrennen Passeier

Sleigh races and skijöring in Val Passiria/Passeier
Results and raffle's lucky tickets

2025 Sleigh Races County Championship

46th Sleigh Races and Skijöring County Championship
Results and raffle's lucky tickets

2025 Italian National Selection of Haflinger Colts

28th Italian National Selection of Haflinger Colts
All results
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