A whole new presentation format: the Federation at Verona Fieracavalli
At the current edition of the Fieracavalli horse fair in Verona, the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders presented itself under the banner of this year’s anniversary – 150 years of Haflinger breeding in South Tyrol. With its approximately 140,000 visitors and 700 exhibitors, the fair offered an ideal stage on which to showcase the Haflinger as a versatile horse for families and equestrian athletes.

Twice a day, colourful shows delighted the crowds and highlighted the versatility of South Tyrolean-bred Haflingers. Chairman Manfred Canins, who had arranged the new co-operation with the trade fair’s administration, was resoundingly pleased: “Our Haflingers have managed to inspire countless people and leave a lasting impression in Verona. They are charming ambassadors for South Tyrol, and we are proud and passionate about presenting them.”
For Director Michael Gruber, the new trade fair concept is a consequence of the latest developments: “Our events, especially the high-profile ones, have aroused a great deal of international interest in the South Tyrolean Haflinger. Horses that can be used for leisure riding and sport are in great demand. We should seize every opportunity to demonstrate what makes our horses special and what their strengths are.”
The show programme was developed by Katja Müller from Cermes/Tscherms, with contributions by Michaela Pfitscher from S. Leonardo/St. Leonhard, Verena Linberger from Cermes/Tscherms, Lisa Bertoldi from San Genesio/Jenesien, Christiane Karnutsch and Christian Wenin from Merano/Meran as well as Georg Oberkofler from San Genesio/Jenesien, who also organised hand-guided riding for kids – where Paul Toniatti, Melanie Blasbichler, Nicole Pezzi and Verena Schindler had their hands full, with a huge turnout and enormous enthusiasm by many excited young riders.
With the support of our dedicated contributors and partners – from the Val Sarentino/Sarntal valley: Schlosserei Moser metalworks, Zimmerei Nussbaumer carpenters and the Rabensteiner Hof farm, alongside the Forst brewery, the Merano/Meran Tourist Board and the Alto Adige/Südtirol marketing brand – we successfully put together an impressive and memorable trade fair appearance.